Spiritual Articles

Is Destiny Real?

Yes, destiny is real; it exists! To know how is destiny real, let us go through a few real-life examples, starting from that of ‘yours.’ Analysing Real-life Examples of Destiny You may have experienced adversities or unfavourable, unexpected circumstances, which what you may have never predicted or thought of. At times, they trigger an intense feeling of helplessness and hopelessness due to...

How to Know What Is My Destiny? Can I Get Something that Is Not in My Destiny?

To know what is my destiny, one usually opts for different techniques or ways such as numerology, palmistry, astrology, fortune telling, psychic readings, and online personality and nature quiz. When the logical brain fails to justify the circumstances, humans approach the metaphysical sources. Most of us believe in them when we do not get the expected results, are curious enough to know about...

Can You Choose Your Destiny? Do Your Actions or Decisions Determine Your Destiny or Is It the Other Way Around?

Yes, you create your own destiny; you choose your destiny! Most of us tend to unrecognized or disregard this fact, because destiny is directly linked to karma, a term that is often misunderstood. Those who believe that humans can choose their destiny also believe that one’s karmas determine one’s destiny. They affirm that good karmas lead to good destiny, while the bad one’s result in bad...

Is It True that Destiny Can Be Changed? Do You Have a Role When Your Destiny Unfolds?

Yes, destiny can be changed but it requires special effort! One can never know exactly or precisely what one’s destiny is but can know how it comes into fruition. Its fruition is dependent on the coming together of different factors, including your effort (your role). So, let’s understand how destiny unfolds in detail to know how can you change your destiny. Many people tend to ponder why to...

How to Continue to Push Myself in Life When I am Feeling Hopeless

“I feel hopeless” is one of the most shared experiences for many of us. It is true that in life, there are times when everything seems to be gloomy. When one faces failure, rejection and unacceptance, negativity creeps in. A negative perspective towards the self, people and situations attracts even more negativity. This is when you feel start feeling hopeless in life and hopeless thoughts start...

What to Do When You Are Feeling Alone and Lonely

Humans are social animals that have colonized and evolved in communities. Social relationships form the basis of mutual growth and contentment. However, there are many people out there who live alone and are still happy. Seeing them, a question may arise in our mind, “Don’t they feel lonely?” Loneliness or being lonely is not being alone; it means you are feeling alone. This feeling can...

What is a Prayer? How do we empower ourselves through prayers?

Since childhood days, one has been humming, singing and listening to numerous prayers. Consequently, we have developed some faith in prayers. Today, let us strengthen this faith even more, by gaining good understanding of, ‘what is the meaning of prayer? What are the benefits of prayer? How should we pray to God? To whom should we pray? What should we pray?’ This understanding will go a long way...

Four Ways to Overcome Addiction

Today, we are seeing how prevalent the drug culture is, in the film industry. The top celebrities, who happened to be the global icons for the youth, and who have influenced people’s life in many which ways, are dreading a tarnished image today in the eyes of their fans, thanks to their addiction of drugs! By turning towards drugs and alcohol, least did these stars realize how years of hard work...

Difference between Spirituality and Religion

There is certainly a vast difference between spirituality and religion. Come, let us attempt to analyse that difference. In the quest for peace and happiness, one begins to practice religion. Every religion in its own way, imparts the knowledge of what is good and what is bad. Religion is a faith or a belief system. It teaches us to leave bad things and adopt the good things instead, since the...

How to be Successful

A human’s life, whether it is the life of a common man or of superman, is always filled with several instances of success and failure. However, our intellect continues to persuade us that success is good and failure is bad. This is because we believe that success and failure are both a measure of our abilities. This helps in grooming our capabilities further until they are fully honed. But, what...

How to Overcome Depression Permanently In A Scientific Way

What are the causes of depression? How to overcome depression? Have you ever realized that depression starts from an inadvertent mistake of looking at a situation negatively? In such a situation, we perceive that everything is going against us and exactly this negative perspective or vision triggers subsequent negative thoughts. Consider the following statements: “You have no sense at...

The True Definition of Karma

What is karma? Karma, as a word, has been used very loosely. If you are reading this page, it’s likely that you are one amongst thousands who is truly seeking the right understanding of this misunderstood word – "Karma". You are possibly here to understand how our intentions, motives, desires and the emotional drive with which we conduct our actions have an effect on our lives and how they are...

Know Thyself and Experience it!

Do you really need to perform heavy penance, self meditation and renounce the world in order to know yourself? Why should you for sake everything you have to know yourself and that bliss which already resides within you? There are millions of people who have renounced everything to discover their real Self. But have they found their inner Self? No, only a few sages have been able to unlock the...

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